Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Some Days are just like that...

Some days you wake up and all you want to do is go back to sleep.  I've had more than my fair share of those mornings recently, but I must report that today was different.  Though I was tired and it was challenging for me mentally (because, let's face it - I was meant to be a princess, not a working mommy of four), in the end it turned out ok.  I was thankful for many things today and I must say, that for the most part, I love my life and wouldn't trade it for anything.

What are the primary contributors to this odd phenomena?  I'm not positive, but my educated guesses are:

1)  Work didn't totally suck.
2)  I got to talk to my Mom.
3)  The scale showed 1.5 lbs lost.
4)  Talis' baseball team won their game in grand style.
5)  Justen was in a great mood.  (He's assistant coach for Talis' team.)
6)  Forrest mowed the front yard and it looks good.
7)  Lily didn't scream "I hate you!" to anyone in the house.
8)  Justen didn't get pissy when I didn't want to go to bed with him at a reasonable hour (so I could spend a few minutes to myself working online.)
9)  I'm sure Jade did something great to contribute too, but she's at her Dad's this week so I didn't get to witness it.  :)
10)  Oh, and the two glasses of my favorite drink tonight probably helped my attitude just a little...(vodka/diet in case anyone wants to buy me one in celebration.)

So if I can impart any wisdom to you at all tonight, it is this:  Be thankful for what you have.  Do not waste time or energy on regrets and wishing for what you could have or should have.  If you do, you may miss out on the most important things life has to offer.
